Police Charge Driver After Fatal Crash At Broken Hill

A woman has been charged over a fatal crash in the state's west last week.

About 4pm on Sunday 16 March 2025, emergency services were called to the Barrier Highway, Broken hill, following reports of a multi-vehicle crash.

Officers attached to Barrier Police District were told a hatchback and a Prime Mover have collided before the hatchback has rolled.

The passenger of hatchback – believed to be a 41-year-old man – was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics however, he could not be revived.

The man is yet to be formally identified.

The driver of the same vehicle – a 40-year-old woman - was taken to Broken Hill Hospital for further treatment and a mandatory testing.

The truck driver – a 55-year-old man – was taken to the same hospital for a mandatory testing.

A crime scene was established and officers from Crash Investigation Unit commenced an investigation into the incident.

Following inquiries, about 6.45pm on Monday 17 March 2025, police arrested the 40-year-old woman at Broken Hill Hospital after she was released.

She was taken to Broken hill Police Station where she was charged with dangerous driving occasioning death-driver manner dangerous and negligent driving (occasioning death).

She was refused bail to appear at Broken Hill Local Court on Tuesday 19 March 2025, where she was granted conditional bail to appear at the same court on Tuesday 13 May 2025.

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