Police Charge Man After CBD Criminal Damage

Melbourne West Tasking Team officers have arrested and charged a man after walls, doors and other items were tagged in Melbourne's CBD last week.

Investigators have been told two men exited a car on King Street about 11.45pm on 7 March.

They attended a hotel on Collins Street and allegedly tagged a wall in the hotel foyer before moving onto Flinders Lane and tagging a doorway and fire hydrant cabinets.

The matter was reported to police and officers from Melbourne West Tasking Team executed a warrant at an address in St Kilda on 13 March.

They took a 28-year-old man into custody and it is alleged they seized spray cans, sketch books, clothing and digital evidence.

He was charged with criminal damage and bailed to appear at Melbourne Magistrates' Court on 30 May.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing and anyone with information or footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au.

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