Police Charge Man After Fatal Collision In Wonthaggi

Major Collision Investigation Unit detectives charged a man following a fatal collision that claimed the life of a pedestrian in Wonthaggi yesterday.

It is alleged a woman was walking her neighbour's dog on Campbell Street around 3.45pm when she was struck by a vehicle.

It is alleged the vehicle travelled onto the wrong side of the road, colliding with the pedestrian and dog before driving away from the scene.

The driver returned to the scene a short time later and was arrested.

The pedestrian, a 68-year-old Wonthaggi woman was taken to hospital in a critical condition where she died.

The dog also died at the scene.

A 47-year-old Narre Warren North man, has been charged with culpable drive.

He has been remanded to appear at Latrobe Magistrates' Court today.

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