Police Charge Man After Pursuit - Revesby

A man will appear in court today following a pursuit in Sydney's south west.

About 2.20am today (Wednesday 19 March 2025), police were conducting stationary speed enforcement on the M5 at Milperra when they located a Jeep SUV allegedly driving dangerously on the M5 Motorway.

Officers attached to Bankstown Highway Patrol directed the driver to stop; however, when he allegedly failed to do so a pursuit was initiated.

The pursuit continued until it reached the intersection of Milperra Road and Edgar Street, Revesby, where the SUV stopped.

The driver, a 42-year-old man, was arrested and subjected to a roadside drug test which returned a positive result.

He was taken to Bankstown Police Station and charged with police pursuit – speed dangerous, P2 exceed speed limit over 30km and P2 exceed speed limit over 45km.

A secondary drug test has been sent for analysis and his license was suspended.

He was refused bail to appear before Bankstown Local Court today (Wednesday 19 March 2025).

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