Police Charge Man Over Armed Robbery - Minto

A man will face court charged over an alleged armed robbery in Sydney's south-west yesterday.

About 2:30pm on Thursday 27 March 2025, officers from the Police Transport Command responded to reports a man had allegedly been threatened with a knife while on a train.

Officers were told a 57-year-old man was on board a train at Cabramatta when he was approached by a man who allegedly threatened him with a knife before demanding money.

Police intercepted the train at Minto Railway Station and arrested a 30-year-old man.

He was taken to Campbelltown Police station where he was charged with robbery armed with offensive weapon, possess prohibited drug, possession of equipment for administering prohibited drugs, travel or attempt travel without valid ticket and demand property with menaces with intent to steal.

He was refused bail to appear before Campbelltown Local Court today, Friday 28 March 2025.

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