Police Charge Man Over Assault - North Sydney

A man will face court for assaulting another man in North Sydney earlier this week.

Just after 6.50pm on Monday (3 March 2025), police were called to Walker Street, North Sydney, following reports of a man being aggressive towards members of public.

On arrival, officers attached to North Shore Police Area Command were told a man attempted to fight random members of public on the street.

While there were no injuries reported on Walker Street, inquiries alleged he assaulted another man on Mount Street, North Sydney.

The 44-year-old man was taken to Royal North Shore Hospital for treatment with injuries under police guard.

He was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and affray.

He was refused bail to appear at Manly Local Court via a bedside hearing today (Wednesday 5 March 2025), where he was refused bail to appear at the same court on Wednesday (12 March 2025).

The 49-year-old man on Mount Street was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics before being taken to Royal North Shore Hospital for further treatment.

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