Police Charge Man Over DV Offences At Forster

A man has been charged with alleged serious domestic violence offences following a joint investigation by general duties and specialist police.

On Thursday 6 March 2025, officers attached to Manning/Great Lakes Police District were notified of alleged domestic incidents that occurred at a home in Tuncurry.

Police will allege in court that a man physically assaulted woman – who is known to him – on several occasions since January 2025.

Officers attempted to arrest the man at Tuncurry on Friday 7 March 2025; however, he was unable to be located and police continued inquiries to locate him.

About 8.50am today (Friday 21 March 2025), the Hunter DV High Risk Offender Team (DVHROT) and Manning/Great Lakes Police attended a home in Forster.

The 28-year-old man was arrested and taken to Forster Police Station where he was charged with seven offences:

  • Five counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (DV),
  • Intentionally choke etc person without consent (DV), and
  • Aggravated break and enter commit serious indictable offence.

He was refused bail to appear before Taree Local Court today (Friday 21 March 2025), where he was formally refused bail to appear before Forster Local Court on Monday 26 May 2025.

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