Police Charge Man Over DV Offences At Maitland

A man has been charged following an investigation by the Hunter DV High Risk Offender Team (DVHROT) into alleged DV offences.

On Wednesday 5 March 2025, police were called to a home in Rutherford following reports of a domestic violence incident.

At the scene, police were told a man allegedly forced entry to the home before assaulting and threatening a woman who is known to the man.

A member of the public heard the incident and attempted to assist the woman before he was also allegedly assaulted by the man. Police were called to the scene; however, the man had left prior to their arrival.

Officers attached to Port Stephens-Hunter Police District – assisted by officers from the Hunter DV High Risk Offender Team – commenced inquiries to locate and arrest the man.

Following extensive inquiries, officers from the Hunter DVHROT and Northern Region Operational Support Group attended a home at Telarah about 10.40am today (Tuesday 18 March 2025).

A 32-year-old man was arrested at the home and taken to Maitland Police Station.

There he was charged with:

  • Contravene prohibition/restriction in AVO,
  • Stalk/intimidate intend fear physical etc harm,
  • Aggravated break and enter and commit serious indictable offence,
  • Destroy or damage property (DV),
  • Common assault (DV), and
  • Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

A revocation of parole warrant was also executed.

He was refused bail to appear before Maitland Local Court today (Tuesday 18 March 2025).

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