Police Charge Man Over Historic Sexual Assault Offences

A man has been charged following an extensive investigation into alleged historic sexual and indecent assaults against a school student under his care in 1996.

In April 2021, police commenced an investigation following reports a male was allegedly sexually and indecently assaulted during incidents alleged to have occurred at Coffs Harbour and Grafton in 1996, when he was 15 years old.

Following an extensive investigation, officers from Queensland Police Service and Coffs/Clarence Police District executed a search warrant at a home on the Sunshine Coast yesterday (Wednesday 19 March 2025).

Several items were located and seized during the search, and a 53-year-old man was subsequently arrested at the property on a NSW arrest warrant.

The man was issued a future court attendance notice for three offences:

  • two counts of aggravated indecent assault – victim under authority, and
  • aggravated sexual assault – victim under authority of offender.

He will appear before Grafton Local Court on Monday 14 April 2025.

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