Police Charge Man With Livestock Offences Near Holbrook

A man has been charged a number of livestock offences in the state's south.

About 9am on Thursday 30 January 2025, officers attached to the Rural Crime Prevention Team with assistance from Local Land Services officers conducted an operation on a travelling stock reserve at Jingellic, approximately 44km south west of Tumbarumba.

31 cattle were found at the property, with 9 cattle allegedly suffering from an untreated eye condition.

Police will allege a request was made to the owner of the cattle to move his stock, after his travelling stock reserve permit allegedly expired.

The cattle were impounded by the Local Land Services.

About 2.45pm Monday (10 February 2025), a 51-year-old man was arrested at a property in Holbrook and taken to Albury Police Station.

He has been charged with dishonestly obtain financial advantage etc by deception, leave additional animal unattended in a public place, leave single animal unattended in a public place, being in charge of an animal fail to exercise supervision, hinder or resist police officer in the execution of duty and stalk/intimidate intend fear physical etc harm (personal).

He was refused bail to appear before Albury local Court yesterday (Tuesday 11 February 2025).

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