Police Charge Man With Murder - Russell Lea

A man has been charged with murder after the body of a woman was found in an Inner West home yesterday.

Just after 11am (Thursday 27 June 2024), police were called to a home on Clements Street, Russell Lea, following reports of a domestic incident.

Officers attached to Burwood Police Area Command arrived to find the body of a woman.

The woman, believed to be aged in her 50's, is yet to be formally identified.

A crime scene was established, and detectives commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

A 42-year-old man – known to the woman – was arrested at the scene and taken to Burwood Police Station before being taken to Prince Alfred Hospital for treatment of injuries and assessment.

Upon his release from hospital, he was taken to Burwood Police Station and charged with murder.

He was refused bail and will appear before Parramatta Local Court today (Friday 28 June 2024).

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