Police Charge Suspects in Darwin Property Crimes

The Northern Territory Police Force has charged three male youths in relation to a crime series that commenced on Monday in the Greater Darwin Region.

Strike Force Trident detectives have conducted extensive investigations to identify the perpetrators of multiple thefts and unlawful entries whilst using a stolen motor vehicle.

About 1:40pm on Monday, police allege a male youth and a female youth attended a shopping centre in Yarrawonga and stole small items from a business.

The following day at about 3:15pm, the same male youth involved in the incident the day before allegedly returned to the same shopping centre and stole further items from a separate business whilst in the company of other male youths.

Three male youths then attended a recreational on The Boulevard where they stole car keys to a blue Nissan X-trail from a worker.

The group of three subsequently met up with the male youth who was involved in both shopping centre thefts, located the vehicle and drove off from the location.

The group of four males went on to unlawfully enter four separate businesses in Winnellie, Berrimah and Holtze before attempting to unlawfully enter a fifth business.

About 1am the following morning on Wednesday, the same group allegedly attempted to unlawfully enter a further two businesses within the Bellamack Business Precinct before being disturbed by police in the area.

The stolen vehicle was recovered at 5am that morning and has been seized for forensic analysis.

Yesterday morning, Strike Force Trident detectives arrested and charged three male youths, aged 13, 14 and 16 with:

  • Drive/Ride/Use MV without consent
  • 4 x Aggravated Burglary
  • 3 x Attempted Burglary
  • 7 x Damage to Property
  • 3 x Theft
  • Trespass

The 13 and 14-year-old males received an extra charge of Breach Bail.

Further charges were laid on the 13-year-old in relation to the incidents, including two extra counts of shoplifting and Drive Unlicenced.

Investigations remain ongoing with Strike Force Trident working to arrest the remaining offenders.

Anyone with information is urged to make contact on 131 444 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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