Police charge two after Charges laid after $3 million worth of cannabis seized - Drug and Firearms Squad

Detectives have charged two men and seized more than $3 million worth of cannabis on the state's Central Coast, as part of ongoing investigations into the cultivation and supply of cannabis across NSW.

In November 2019, detectives from the State Crime Command's Drug and Firearms Squad established Strike Force Harthouse to investigate the cultivation and supply of cannabis across NSW.

Their inquiries uncovered a rural property near Gosford being used for the large-scale cultivation of cannabis.

Following extensive investigations, strike force detectives, with assistance from Brisbane Water Police District, executed a crime scene warrant at the property on Pemberton's Hill Road, at Mangrove Mountain, from 1.40pm on Tuesday 22 June 2021.

During the search, investigators located and seized in excess of 1000 cannabis plants, with an estimated potential street value of $3 million.

Officers also seized equipment consistent with the cultivation and supply of cannabis.

Two men aged, 54 and 61 was arrested at the property and taken to Brisbane Waters Police Station and charged with cultivate prohibited plant (large commercial quantity).

Both men were bail refused bail to appear at Gosford Local Court today (Wednesday 23 June 2021).

Inquiries under Strike Force Harthouse are continuing.

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