Manningham Crime Investigation Unit detectives, with the assistance of detectives from Boroondara, Whitehorse and the Eastern Region Division 1 Crime Team, have charged two men following the execution of search warrants in Mill Park and Burwood East yesterday.
Investigators executed a warrant as part of Operation Leslie, at an address on Friday, 26 November in Grevillia Drive, Mill Park about 11.15am and located more than $20,000 worth of alleged stolen power tools, drugs, vehicle registration plates and credit cards.
Two people were arrested at the scene in Mill Park.
Investigators also executed warrants on two apartments at a complex on Burwood Highway, Burwood East, locating further alleged stolen power tools, mail and lego.
A 24-year-old Mill Park man was charged with various offences including thefts, handle stolen goods, possessing drugs of dependence, deal with property suspected proceeds of crime, traffic and bail offences.
He was remanded in custody to appear at the Melbourne Magistrates' Court later today.
A 32-year-old Burwood East man was charged with theft and commit an indictable offence whilst on bail.
He was bailed to appear at the Ringwood Magistrates' Court on 10 February 2022.