Police Charge Two Men After Collision In Southbank

Stonnington Crime Investigation Unit detectives have charged two men following an alleged collision in Southbank yesterday morning.

Officers allegedly spotted a white Mercedes sedan driving erratically southbound on Kingsway about 11am.

Despite police activating lights and sirens to intercept the Mercedes, the car allegedly took off at a fast rate of speed.

Police then observed the Mercedes allegedly colliding with three other vehicles near the Citylink onramp.

The Mercedes came to a stop following the collision and police swiftly arrested two men.

An occupant from one of the other vehicles was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

A 27-year-old Dandenong North man has been charged with conduct endangering serious injury and fail to stop on police direction.

He was bailed to appear before Melbourne Magistrates' Court on 1 August.

A 32-year-old South Yarra man has been with trafficking Cocaine, possess Cocaine, possess methylamphetamine and possess prescription medication without prescription.

He was bailed to appear before Melbourne Magistrates' Court on 2 August.

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