Police Charge Woman After Pursuit - Ingleburn

A learner driver will face court today following a pursuit with police in Sydney's south-west overnight.

About 11.50pm Tuesday (14 May 2024), officers attached to Campbelltown City Police Area Command were patrolling around Ingleburn, when they attempted to stop a Ford Utility on Albert Street for an inoperative headlight.

When the Ford failed to stop as directed, a pursuit was initiated, travelling through Kings Road, where it was terminated due to safety concerns.

Further police attended to assist and police located the Ford on Campbelltown Road shortly after.

The driver and sole occupant - a 32-year-old woman - was arrested at the scene.

She was subject to road side testing, returning a positive drug result.

Following search of the vehicle, police seized drug implement and number of plastic bags containing substance alleged to be methylamphetamine.

The woman was taken to Campbelltown Police Station where she was charged with police pursuit - not stop - drive recklessly, learner not accompanied by driver/police officer/tester and learner driver not display "L" plate as prescribed.

She was refused bail to appear at Campbelltown Local Court today (Wednesday 15 May 2024).

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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