Police Charge Woman Over Drug Supply At Newcastle

A woman will face court today charged over alleged drug supply offences in Newcastle.

About 1.15pm yesterday (Thursday 20 March 2025), officers attached to Newcastle City PD's Proactive Crime Team attended a hotel room on Hunter Street, Newcastle, in relation to an ongoing drug supply investigation.

During a subsequent search of the room, police allegedly located and seized 109g of psilocybin capsules, 72.8g of dried psilocybin, 3.1g of cocaine, 27.35g of pink cocaine, 62.4g of MDMA, 441.55g of cannabis, and several prescription medications.

A 20-year-old woman was arrested at the hotel and taken to Newcastle Police Station.

There she was charged with seven offences:

  • Two counts of possess prohibited drug,
  • Two counts of supply prohibited drug (greater than indictable less than commercial quantity),
  • Supply prohibited drug (greater than or equal to large commercial quantity),
  • Supply cannabis (greater than indictable less than commercial quantity), and
  • Possess/attempt to, prescribed restricted substance.

She was refused bail to appear before Newcastle Local Court today (Friday 21 March 2025).

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