Police Charge Woman Over Stabbing - Georges Hall

A woman has been charged over an alleged stabbing in Sydney's west yesterday.

About 11am (Tuesday 25 March 2025), emergency services were called to a park on Hazel Street, Georges Hall following reports of a concern for welfare.

On arrival, officers attached to Bankstown Police Area Command found a 19-year-old woman with a stab wound to her upper body.

She was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics before being taken to Liverpool Hospital in a stable condition.

A knife was located nearby and seized for forensic examination.

Police established a crime scene and commenced inquiries into the circumstances into the incident.

A 58-year-old woman, who is known to the 19-year-old woman, was arrested at the scene and taken to Bankstown Police Station.

She was charged with wound person intend to cause grievous bodily harm (DV).

The 58-year-old woman was refused bail to appear before Bankstown Local Court today (Wednesday 26 March 2025).

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