Police Charge Youth Over Assault, Evade Incident

A youth has been charged with common assault following an isolated incident at Deloraine earlier this month.

Police were called to a private residence about 11.30pm on 9 March after reports a woman had been assaulted while in a parked vehicle outside the home.

She received minor injuries.

The alleged offender fled the scene before police were called.

The 16-year-old boy has since been arrested and charged in relation to the assault

He has also been charged with reckless driving, evade police and traffic offences over an unrelated incident at Chudleigh on 12 March.

He will appear in the Youth Justice Division of the Launceston Magistrates Court at a later date.

Anyone with information should contact police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1800 333 000 or at crimestopperstas.com.au.

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