Police patrols conducted Operation Deter Drink Driving, a highly visible operation targeting drink driving across the metropolitan area today, according to SA Police.
Driver testing stations were set up at six locations, in the Elizabeth, Holden Hill, Eastern Adelaide, Western Adelaide, Sturt and South Coast Local Service Areas.
3188 alcotests were conducted, with six drivers caught driving under the influence of alcohol. The highest were from a 66-year-old Hove man who returned a reading of 0.204, while a 54-year-old Peterhead man recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.141. Four of these drivers were issued immediate loss of licence notices.
33 drug tests were also conducted with a further six drivers caught under the influence of drugs.
A total of six cars were impounded during the operation.
While every police officer in South Australia can and does conduct random driver tests, targeted traffic operations will be conducted throughout the festival season in the metropolitan area to ensure the roads are kept safe for all road users and pedestrians.