Police Continue Search for Missing Woman on Flinders

Police are continuing to search the Flinders Island area for 68-year-old Victoria Jean Paine, who has not been heard from since Wednesday.

"Police are continuing to search the White Beach area for missing woman Victoria Paine," said Inspector Luke Manhood.

"We are undertaking broad investigations to track Victoria's last known movements and at this stage we believe she has most likely left home on foot late on Wednesday afternoon, potentially to go swimming."

"Significant resources have conducted land and sea searches, and police divers are continuing to search the area off White Beach today."

"At this time there is no indication of any suspicious circumstances relating to Victoria's disappearance; however, police are pursuing all avenues of inquiry in our search for her."

Anyone who has seen Victoria or heard from her is asked to contact police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers Tasmania anonymously on 1800 333 000 or online at crimestopperstas.com.au - quote ESCAD 499-21032025.

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