Police Hunt Clues in Tennant Creek Gun Theft

The Northern Territory Police Force is calling for information in relation to a recent burglary in Tennant Creek.

At 9:50am this morning, police received reports of a burglary that occurred at a social club on Peko Road at an unknown date or time over the past two weeks.

The social club was unattended for the past two weeks and a worker returned this morning to find the premises had been unlawfully entered and three firearms were stolen from a gun safe that was forced open.

Tennant Creek Criminal Investigation Branch members have carriage of investigations and are working to identify the circumstances of the incident and locate anyone involved.

The forensic science branch is undertaking analysis of the crime scene.

If you have any information or have seen any suspicious behaviour within the area over the last two weeks you are urged to contact police on 131 444 and reference job number P25070028.

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