Police Hunt for Escapee from Darwin Custody

The Northern Territory Police Force is calling for information in relation to a male prisoner who escaped NT Corrections custody overnight.

Around 10:20pm, police received a report that a 21-year-old male had escaped from a Darwin Correctional Facility on Willard Road, Howard Springs.

The prisoner was last sighted at 7pm during the routine bed checks.

At 7:55pm, his electronic monitoring device alerted corrections staff that it was removed on Catalina Road and Flockhart Drive, Marlows Lagoon.

Additional police resources have been deployed to the area, and investigations are ongoing.

While police do not believe he poses a risk to the general public, members of the community are advised not to approach him.

Anyone with information about his whereabouts is urged to contact police on 131 444, quoting reference number P25068454, or to report anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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