Police Hunt Leads in Knuckey Lagoon Vehicle Theft

The Northern Territory Police Force are calling for information in relation to an unlawful entry and stolen motor vehicle in Knuckey Lagoon on Thursday morning.

Around 12am, an unknown male allegedly forced entry into multiple buildings at a wildlife park on McMillans Road. While inside the premises the offender removed a baby crocodile from an enclosure and took images with the reptile.

He then stole a Holden Rodeo utility and used it to ram through multiple gates and ran over a family of ducks in the process.

The vehicle has since been located burnt out at Casuarina Beach.

Strike Force Trident have carriage and investigations continue.

Senior Sergeant Dale Motter-Barnard said, "We are aware of the CCTV footage that is circulating showcasing this abhorrent incident.

"Strike Force Trident members are working to bring the offender into custody and before the courts.

"We urge anyone with information about the incident to make contact on 131 444. Please quote reference number NTP2500026561."

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