Police involved in jetty rescue at Whyalla

Bravery and quick thinking by police officers have helped workers escape a fiery blaze in Whyalla today.

Just after 12.30pm today (Wednesday 11 September) a welder was doing some work at the end of a jetty, when some material caught fire which then spread to the jetty.

He jumped into the water and inflated a life jacket he was wearing, and attempted to swim away, but the current was too strong and made it difficult for the man to swim away from the jetty.

A police officer who was in Whyalla for a training course saw the man in distress, and swam out to the welder to guide him safely back to shore, while other officers evacuated the other workers on the jetty to safety.

Local fire crews extinguished the blaze, and there are no reports of any injuries.

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