Police Lay Armed Robbery Charges At Mount Ommaney

Detectives from Acacia Ridge Criminal Investigation Branch have charged two people in relation to a robbery at Mount Ommaney on February 28.

Overnight on February 28, a Forest Lake property was broken into, and a red Toyota Camry stolen.

At approximately 7.45am, a group in the stolen Toyota Camry have approached a woman in a Dandenong Road shopping centre carpark.

Police will allege one of the occupants has approached the woman with a knife, however she was able to walk away and hide and the male left in the vehicle.

A short time later at the same shopping centre, the same vehicle approached a second woman as she was approaching her own vehicle.

A male has allegedly stolen her handbag, containing cash and personal items, before leaving in the stolen red Toyota Camry.

Neither woman was physically injured.

It will be further alleged the vehicle was observed driving dangerously in the Carindale area later that morning.

Investigations led police to attend Forest Lake just after 10.30am that morning, where the stolen vehicle was located abandoned, and a knife located in the vehicle was seized.

Police conducted a search of the area and located a 17-year-old boy nearby and he was taken into custody.

He has been charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle in company.

Police refused bail, and he was expected to appear before Brisbane Children's Court on March 1.

Police conducting proactive patrols have observed an 18-year-old man walking at Inala and taken him into custody.

He has been charged with one count each of enter dwelling and commit, receiving tainted property, unlawful use of a motor vehicle (use in indictable offence with company), attempted armed robbery, enter premises and commit indictable offence by break and dangerous operation of a vehicle.

He has been remanded in custody and is next expected to appear at Brisbane Magistrates Court on March 17.

Police investigations remain ongoing, and police ask anyone who may have seen the stolen vehicle (pictured) in the Camp Hill, Carindale, Moorooka, Mount Ommaney and surrounding areas to come forward.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting or call 131 444.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

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