Police lay charges after cash and drugs seized after crash - Rosehill

A man has been charged after officers allegedly seized drugs, cash and a prohibited weapon during a vehicle stop in Sydney's west yesterday.

Just before 8am (Wednesday 26 May 2021), officers from Cumberland Highway Patrol responded to reports a car had crashed into a concrete wall near Hassall Street, Rosehill.

Police spoke with the driver, a 24-year-old man, at a nearby car wash and conducted a search of the man's backpack.

During a subsequent search of the vehicle, officers seized an amount of methylamphetamine, heroin and prescription medication.

A further search located more than $2,000 cash, a knife and an extendable baton.

All items seized will undergo forensic examination.

Following inquiries, the driver was arrested and taken to Westmead Hospital for mandatory testing.

While at the hospital, it is alleged the man spat at police.

Upon release from hospital, the man was taken to Granville Police Station where he was charged with 11 offences, including two counts of supply prohibited drug, three counts of possess prohibited drug, negligent driving, drive while unlicensed, custody of a knife in a public place, possess prohibited weapon, assault police and commit a serious offence after being previously being convicted.

The Auburn man was refused bail to appear before Parramatta Local Court today (Thursday 27 May 2021).

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