Police Lay Charges - Firearm Offences In Darwin

The Northern Territory Police Force has revoked two NT firearms licences from a 70-year-old man after he attempted to send a prohibited firearm in the mail in March 2024.

A referral was made to the Northern Territory Police Firearms Audit and Enforcement Unit after Western Australia Police intercepted a package on 6 March 2024 containing a prohibited firearm concealed within a videocassette recorder.

Investigations were conducted which identified the sender as a 70-year-old man intending to supply the firearm to a WA firearms licence holder.

NT Police served the man a Notice to Appear in court for a number of firearm offences including:

• Send Firearm by Mail

• Posses Firearm with Altered ID Marks

• Fail to Dispose of Firearm

The man appeared in court on 26 February 2025 where he was fined and has subsequently had his NT firearms licences revoked for 10 years, resulting in the seizure of his 200 registered firearms.

Acting Senior Sergeant Aaron Chapman said "NT Police remain steadfast in their commitment to public safety and will continue to investigate all reported firearm related offences. We want to remind the community that firearm ownership is a privilege granted to responsible licence holders, not a right.

"Any failure to comply with licence conditions or the provisions of the Firearms Act 1997 will be thoroughly investigated."

Anyone with information on illegal or misuse of firearms is encouraged to report it on 131 444. You can also report anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through https://crimestoppersnt.com.au

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