Police Lay Charges - Firearms Offences - Palmerston

The Northern Territory Police Force has issued a Notice to Appear to a 77-year-old man in relation to firearms offences in Palmerston.

On 10 December 2024, police responded to reports of an unsecured firearm at the man's residence in Driver. A subsequent search of the residence located a further 3 unsecured firearms along with an imitation firearm. The man's four registered firearms were seized by police.

The matter was referred to the Northern Territory Police Firearms Audit and Enforcement Unit who, after further investigation, issued the man with a Notice to Appear in the Darwin Local Court on 17 April 2025 for the offences of:

  • Fail to Meet Storage Requirements x 4
  • Breach of Firearms Licence Conditions
  • Possess Prohibited Weapon

The man's NT firearms licence has also been revoked for 5 years.

Acting Senior Sergeant Aaron Chapman said "Firearms ownership is not a right, it is a responsibility. Licence holders that at found to have blatantly failed to comply with the conditions of their licence or provisions of the Firearms Act 1997 should expect to have their licence revoked."

Anyone with information on illegal or misuse of firearms is encouraged to report it on 131 444. You can also report anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through https://crimestoppersnt.com.au

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