Police Lay Charges Over Drug Offences In Darwin 24 March

The Northern Territory Police Force has charged a 52-year-old male in relation to drug offences in Darwin last week.

On Tuesday 18 March, during a routine check at Darwin Airport, Drug Detection Dog (DDD) Rafa identified a quantity of cannabis and alcohol inside luggage that was booked on a flight destined for Milingimbi.

Police seized approximately 800g of cannabis and 3L of alcohol.

The 52-year-old alleged owner of the luggage was arrested and charged with the following:

  • Possess and supply commercial quantity schedule 2 dangerous drug
  • Possess thing to administer dangerous drug
  • Bring liquor into alcohol protected area

He is due to face Darwin Local Court in April.

Senior Sergeant Meacham King said, "The actions of this individual will not be tolerated.

"The impact of alcohol and other drugs in vulnerable communities can cause significant harm through financial, health and social outcomes.

"Great job, DDD Rafa and team."

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