Police Lay Charges Over Property Offences - Karama

The Northern Territory Police Force has charged a 17-year-old male in relation to multiple property offences in Karama on Saturday morning.

About 8:10am, police received reports of a robbery at a service station on the corner of Kalymnos Drive and Koolinda Crescent. It is alleged the male entered the premises armed with an edged weapon and stole food before fleeing.

A short time later, police received further reports that the alleged offender went on to damage a residence with the edged weapon on Dorrigo Crescent.

General duties located and arrested the male nearby without issue. Strike Force Trident took carriage of the investigation and has since charged him with:

  • Going equipped for theft (Weapon)
  • Aggravated Robbery
  • Theft
  • Going armed in Public
  • Damage to Property

He was remanded to appear in Court today.

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