Police Lay Charges - Property Damage - Nightcliff

The Northern Territory Police Force have charged a 17-year-old male in relation to multiple damaged vehicles in Nightcliff earlier this week.

Around 1.30am on Tuesday, 4 February, a male attended an apartment complex on Boetdoemba Street, where he allegedly unlawfully entered the parking bay and caused significant damage to four vehicles before leaving the premises.

A short time later, he returned and allegedly damaged a further five vehicles before again fleeing the scene.

Strike Force Trident members took carriage of the investigation and on Wednesday 5 February they arrested and charged a 17-year-old male with Damage to Property, Trespass and Breach Bail.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Christopher Humphries said, "The actions of this male are senseless and unacceptable.

"This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated, and police will continue to identify and hold offenders to account."

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