Police Make Arrest - Domestic Violence At Tennant Creek 16 May

Northern Territory Police have arrested a 28-year-old woman in relation to a domestic violence incident that occurred in Tennant Creek overnight.

At 9pm, police received reports the woman allegedly assaulted a 34-year-old man with an edged weapon outside a residence in Tennant Creek, before fleeing the scene. Another woman, who attempted to intervene in the alleged assault, suffered minor injuries to her hand.

Police and St John Ambulance personnel attended, and the man was conveyed to Tennant Creek Hospital where he was assessed for non-life-threatening injuries to his leg.

The 28-year-old female offender presented to the hospital a short time later and was arrested. She has since been charged.

It is believed the two parties are known to each other.

Investigations are ongoing and police are urging anyone with information about the incident to contact 131 444 and quote NTP2400048251. Anonymous tips can also be made through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via https://crimestoppersnt.com.au/.

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties as a result of domestic violence, support services are available including, but not limited to, 1800RESPECT (1800737732) or Lifeline 131 114.

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