Police Make Arrest - Escape Custody At Tennant Creek

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested a 26-year-old male after he escaped NT Corrections custody in Tennant Creek on Saturday evening.

At 7:40pm, police received a report that the male had absconded from an NT Corrections work placement on Peko Road.

All available police units responded, and the male's electronic monitoring device was located removed at an address on Griggs Street.

The male was sighted nearby by an off-duty police officer who apprehended the offender in Boag Court after a short foot chase. He was subsequently arrested at 8:01pm by responding police.

He has since been charged with Escape custody, Trespass and Damage to property.

Superintendent Katie Hatzismalis said, "I commend the excellent work of responding Tennant Creek police, including the off-duty police member who apprehended the offender, ensuring he was returned into NT Corrections custody swiftly."

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