Police Make Arrest - Robbery In Alice Springs 10 March

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested a 16-year-old male in relation to a robbery that occurred on Friday evening in Alice Springs.

On Friday 7 March, a residence in Burke Street, East Side was allegedly unlawfully entered with the keys to two vehicles reported stolen.

Unknown offenders returned to the residence early on Sunday morning and allegedly stole the two vehicles, subsequently using them in a police vehicle ramming and crime series.

Members from Southern Investigations and Strike Force Viper commenced investigations and arrested the 16-year-old yesterday in relation to the initial robbery incident on Friday evening.

He has been charged with Aggravated Burglary, Damage to Property, Theft and Breach of Bail, and is due to appear in court today.

Police investigations are ongoing to identify the outstanding offenders and urge anyone with information to call 131 444. Please quote reference NTP2500025063. Anonymous reports can be made through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through https://crimestoppersnt.com.au/.

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