Police make arrest - South Perth fire

Arson Squad investigators have charged a man as a result of their investigation into a fire in South Perth that occurred in the early hours of this morning, 8 December 2021.

Around 2am, the man entered a grocery store located inside the Mends Street Arcade and stopped near a flower and plant display. A staff member approached the man and it is alleged he threw chocolates at the staff member before picking up and throwing about 10 plant pots at the victim.

It is further alleged the man verbally threatened staff before setting fire to a floral arrangement which he then use to set fire to another object which he threw towards the victim.

The fire quickly spread across the display shelves and into a glass display unit containing alcohol. The fire continued to spread up to the ceiling and onto the floor of the Mends Street Arcade. Police and Department of Fire and Emergency Services evacuated staff from the store and residents and guests at an adjoining hotel.

The fire and smoke caused extensive damage to the building and contents. The estimated damage cost is $100,000.

It also alleged about 2.15am, the man set fire to pamphlets outside a bicycle store on Mends Street in South Perth. The fire damaged the pamphlet holder and the brick wall it was attached to. The fire caused the store to be filled with smoke which also damaged a large amount of clothing inside the premises.

The 38-year-old man from Balga has been charged with:

• Two counts of Criminal Damage by Fire; and

• One count of Assault Common.

He is due to appear before the Perth Magistrates Court today, 8 December 2021.

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