Police Make Arrests - Aggravated Robbery In Darwin CBD

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested three female youths in relation to an aggravated robbery on Mitchell Street last night.

About 9:30pm, a 101-year-old man was assaulted on his mobility scooter by the three females aged, 14, 15 and 19-years-old. The elderly man was held by the females and they removed his wallet and keys before decamping the area.

The victim suffered lacerations to his arms and was conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital for treatment.

A short time later, police CCTV operators located offenders matching the description provided at a location nearby and members apprehended them.

They are expected to be charged later today.

Detective Senior Sergeant Trent Abbott said "This was a disgraceful attack on a vulnerable member of our society and the actions of these offenders was abhorrent.

"Thankfully the victim is expected to make a full recovery.

"I would also like to commend our vigilant CCTV operators and attending officers for their swift action to respond and apprehend the offenders nearby."

Detectives from Serious Crime have carriage of the investigation.

If you have any information in relation to the incident, police are urging you to make contact on 131 444 and reference NTP2500023360.

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