Police Make Arrests - Pursuit - Northern Suburbs

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested a 25-year-old male in relation to domestic violence offences in Darwin.

This morning, police received intelligence that a male with an arrest warrant was within Bagot Community. It is alleged the male had been actively evading police.

Around 7:30am, Strike Force Trident and Dog Operations Unit (DOU) established a cordon around the community and commenced a search for the alleged offender.

A short time later, the offender and another male passenger were sighted in a vehicle driving erratically through the community and at some points on the footpath.

A tyre deflation device was deployed, which the offending vehicle attempted to avoid by swerving at officers and colliding with the rear of a Trident vehicle.

Multiple pursuits were commenced; however, they were terminated shortly after for safety reasons.

At around 08:30am, DOU members sighted the vehicle stopped on Buchanan Terrace in Nakara before the offender and the passenger fled the scene on foot.

Police deployed a taser which was ineffective, and the offender fled through a school oval on Nakara Terrace.

Patrol Dog Boss was deployed, but the 25-year-old male scaled a 12-foot fence and fled. A second dog handler followed over the fence, caught up to the man, and he surrendered without further incident.

The 30-year-old male passenger was also arrested and is assisting police with enquiries.

The 25-year-old offender remains in police custody with additional charges expected to follow.

Senior Sergeant Meacham King said, "I want to commend the work of all members involved in this arrest.

"It's fortunate our officers weren't seriously injured when the Trident vehicle was struck.

"The arrest is a testament to the strong collaboration between Strike Force Trident and Dog Operations Unit.

"We remain committed to holding offenders to account and bringing them before the courts."

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