Police Nab Suspects in Tennant Creek Car Theft

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested two males in relation to a stolen motor vehicle in Tennant Creek last night.

About 11:20pm, police witnessed a Toyota Troop Carrier driving erratically throughout Tennant Creek. Members deployed and were targeted by the vehicle as it drove head on towards their police vehicle on Bornite Street before swerving away to avoid a collision. The vehicle then targeted another police vehicle on Paterson Street.

Tyre deflation devices were successfully deployed; however, the vehicle entered nearby bushland and the offenders fled the scene. It was later confirmed that the vehicle was allegedly stolen from a business on Staunton Street.

With the assistance of members of the community police identified the occupants of the vehicle and later arrested two males, 14 and 19-years-old. They are expected to be charged later today.

Investigations are ongoing and police urge anyone with information to call 131 444. Anonymous reports can also be made through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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