South Australia Police (SAPOL) has reviewed the behaviour of 2025 Fringe Festival attendees and is pleased overall – despite the removal of 50 people from the area.
Operation Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025 was held from 21 February to 23 March and saw the deployment of foot and bicycle patrols, along with police horses, dogs and Public Transport Safety Branch members to focus on behaviour, liquor licensing compliance, and public safety.
The 'Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025' Declared Public Precinct (DPP) was also in place for a 12-hour period from 6pm to 6am every night during the Fringe period, in addition to the city-west DPP already in place.
"The event appears to have been extremely well attended, and I am pleased, as the Police Commander, to report that despite a few minor behavioural matters, most people in attendance were extremely well behaved," Superintendent Scott Denny said.
"A combination of additional police, the Declared Public Precinct, the extremely well organised event and great behaviour by the public saw a very successful and entertaining Fringe event yet again.
"Police reported that the interactions with the public were friendly which again highlights how wonderful this event is. Pleasingly there were no significant incidents of note."
Fringe DPP results included:
- Number of people removed from Fringe DPP- 50
- Number of people issued with Licensed Premises Barring Orders within DPP- 0
- Number of expiation notices issued for Offensive/Disorderly in Fringe DPP- 8
- Number of people searched with a metal detector in the Fringe DPP- 83
- Number of weapons located from a metal detector search in Fringe DPP- 0
- Number of people arrested for breaching of Fringe DPP- 1
- Number of people arrested/reported in Fringe DPP- 6
Anecdotally, police reported large numbers of the public in the CBD each night, swelling extensively in the East End on Friday and Saturday nights being the peak times for the demand of police resources. Festival organisers announced the sale of one million tickets for the 2025 event.
"Thank you to all involved in keeping festival goers safe for another year," Superintendent Denny added.
"It's great to see the city come alive with many locals and visitors, and we look forward to being part of next year's event."