Police Seek Help To Locate Missing Girl Naomi

Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate missing Mooroopna girl Naomi.

The 14-year-old was last seen in Mooroopna about 11am on 13 March.

Police and family have concerns for her welfare due to her disappearance being out of character.

Naomi is approximately 160cm tall, with a slim build, and shoulder length dark hair.

She was last seen wearing white cargo pants, a pink t-shirt, and white and black Nike Dunk sneakers.

Naomi is known to frequent the Shepparton and Mooroopna areas.

Police have released an image of Naomi in the hope someone recognises her and can provide information regarding her current whereabouts.

Anyone who sights Naomi or with information that could assist investigators is urged to contact Shepparton Police Station on (03) 5820 5777.

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