Police Seek Help To Locate Missing Woman Natisha

Police are appealing for public assistance as they search for missing Hawthorn woman Natisha.

The 27-year-old was last seen in Woolworths on Glenferrie Road in Hawthorn about 7.35pm on Friday, 28 June.

Police have concerns for Natisha's welfare and believe she may be travelling on public transport to nearby waterways.

Air Wing and Water Police are currently searching the St Kilda foreshore and along the Yarra River from Herring Island, Richmond to East Link.

Investigators have released images of Natisha in the hope that someone can provide information on her current whereabouts.

Natisha is described as being of medium build with dark brown hair.

She was last seen wearing black pants, a black coat and black runners. She was carrying a white bag.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Boroondara Police Station on (03) 8851 1111.

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