Police Seek Info After Crash Injures Elderly Pedestrian

Police are appealing for information after an elderly pedestrian was injured, following a crash in the Illawarra today.

About 6.30am (Tuesday 4 March 2025), emergency services were called to Cordeaux Road, Figtree, south of Wollongong after reports a woman was struck by a utility.

NSW Ambulance responded and treated an 88-year-old woman with pelvic injuries.

She was airlifted to St George Hospital in a critical condition.

The 64-year-old male driver stopped and rendered assistance, before emergency services arrived.

Officers attached to Wollongong Police District responded and established a crime scene.

Anyone with dashcam footage or CCTV is urged to come forward and contact Wollongong Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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