Police Seek Information After Armed Robbery - Haymarket

Police have released CCTV vision and are appealing for public assistance following an armed robbery in Sydney's CBD on Monday.

Just before 4:30pm (Monday 13 May 2024), a man entered a tobacco store on Little Hay Street at Haymarket and threatened the store attendant with a knife, demanding money and cigarettes.

The attendant complied and the man then left the store on foot and was last seen heading east on Little Hay Street towards Sussex Street.

Officers from Sydney City Police were notified and commenced an investigation into the robbery.

As inquiries continue, police have released CCTV images of the man who might be able to assist police with inquiries.

The male is described as Caucasian, aged in his late teens, with a thin build, fair complexion, 172cm tall, with brown hair tied up in a short ponytail. He has a distinctive tattoo of a skeletal bones on his left hand.

Anyone who has information which might assist police is asked to contact Sydney City Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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