Police Seek Information On Aggravated Robbery - Karama 3 March

The Northern Territory Police Force is calling for information in relation to an aggravated robbery that occurred in Karama on Saturday night.

Around 10:30pm, police received reports of an unlawful entry at a residence on Kalymnos Drive. The 72-year-old male occupant reported hearing a noise at his back door and went to investigate.

He was then confronted by the alleged offender who forced his way into the residence physically assaulting the 72-year-old multiple times in the process.

The offender then stole the victim's wallet and other personal items before fleeing the scene on foot.

The victim suffered minor injuries and did not require medical treatment.

Strike Force Trident have carriage and investigations are ongoing.

Police urge anyone with information about the incident to make contact on 131 444. Please quote reference number P25058898.

Anonymous reports can be made through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via https://crimestoppersnt.com.au/.

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