Police Seek Public's Help in Finding Missing Woman

Police are appealing for urgent public assistance to locate a woman missing from the Fortitude Valley area since Sunday, March 2.

Jasmine Carter (pictured) was last seen at Constance Street in Fortitude Valley at 6pm and has not been seen or heard from since.

Jasmine was expected to attend an event at a Gregory Terrace venue at Bowen Hills on Sunday evening, however failed to return home or contact family.

Police and family have serious concerns for her welfare as this behaviour is out of character.

Jasmine is described as Caucasian, approximately 157cm tall, a proportionate build with blue eyes and distinctive red hair that is shaved on the sides.

She was last seen wearing leopard print shorts, a black top, black boots and glasses.

Police are appealing to anyone with information regarding her whereabouts, or who may have seen Jasmine since Sunday evening, to come forward.

Quote this reference number: QP2500379668

If you have information for police on this, please call Policelink on 131 444 now. If someone is in immediate danger, call 000.

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