Police Seek Tips on Alice Springs Robbery

The Northern Territory Police Force is calling for information in relation to an aggravated robbery that occurred in Alice Springs yesterday evening.

Around 7:20pm, two unknown male youth offenders allegedly unlawfully entered a residence on Standley Crescent in Gillen. One of the males allegedly armed himself with a knife from the kitchen, and both offenders subsequently threatened a 57-year-old female occupant.

The offenders allegedly stole a purse containing personal items, cash, and a set of car keys before fleeing the area.

The victim was uninjured and attending police recovered the emptied purse discarded nearby.

The offenders remain outstanding, and investigations are ongoing.

Police urge anyone with information to make contact on 131 444 and quote reference P25060335. You can also report anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via https://crimestoppersnt.com.au/.

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