Police Seek Two Men Over Thefts Of Signs At Orange

Please note: Images and a CCTV footage are available via hightail: https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/P6S9Gvl3LP/

Officers from Central West Police District have commenced an investigation and are appealing for help from the public after the theft of political posters from Orange last month.

Police have been told about 9.00pm on Tuesday 25 February 2025, images of two men were captured on CCTV removing posters from the front of a business office on William Street, Orange.

It is believed the men left in a grey dual cab utility shortly afterwards.

Several political posters between the towns of Wellington and Lucknow have also been reported stolen.

As inquiries continue, police are urging anyone with information that may assist – or who may have been in these areas at the time with any available dashcam/mobile phone footage – to contact Orange Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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