Police Seize Car, Petrol Bike After Hooning Incidents

Bridgewater Police has charged two people in relation to hooning offences today and seized a car and a petrol-powered bike.

A 22-year-old man from Granton was charged following an alleged hooning incident on Lamprill Circle at Herdsmans Cove. He had his vehicle seized for three months.

A 15-year-old youth from Gagebrook was charged after allegedly riding at speed and without safety gear on Tottenham Road at Gagebrook. Their petrol-powered bike was seized for 28 days.

Inspector Luke Horne said, "Hooning is reckless and dangerous, and no matter how skilled the driver or rider believes they are, hooning behaviours put lives at risk."

"Tasmania Police are out on the roads every day enforcing road rules to keep motorists safe."

"You can help us by reporting dangerous driving if you see it."

"By working together, we can hold reckless drivers accountable and make our roads safer for everyone."

If you witness a dangerous driving incident happening now and do not have footage call Tasmania Police on 131 444.

If you have witnessed dangerous driving at an earlier time and have digital evidence (including video footage), you can submit it via the secure online portal – https://www.police.tas.gov.au/services-online/dangerous-driving-report/

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