Police Treating Fire As Suspicious, Bundaberg

Police are investigating a suspicious fire in Bundaberg this morning, March 24.

Police were called to a complex on Water Street around 8.30am to reports of a number of townhouses being on fire.

Police evacuated all people from within the complex of townhouses and no one was physically injured.

One home was significantly damaged by fire and four other connected homes sustained smoke damage.

A crime scene was declared and initial investigations indicate the fire was deliberately lit.

Investigations are ongoing. Anyone with information or relevant footage is urged to contact police.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

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